Welcome to Hospital Scenes! This is a collection of clips from Hospital shows or the web. Please let be know in the comments sections if you know any other videos that should be here or that I could use.

24 July 2021

AED on Children in Sports

AED on Children in Sports

Training video using AED in sports

Watch/Download: Click Here!


  1. Anonymous25 July, 2021

    I quite like this one, quite creatively done, with various types of shots and multiple angles. Plus the victim's acting as he passes out at the start (quite rare now as these kind of videos usually just begin with the victim already lying unconscious) so there's a bit of drama there. What's not procedural is, instead of taking scissors and cutting the shirt off, the woman takes the trouble of taking the shirt off the boy, over the head and so on, risking possible neck injury. Otherwise, it's a good video.


    1. Yes the acting in this one is not as bad as quite a few out there. I also thought the same about the shirt. Would she really go to that trouble if the boy had collapsed?

  2. Anonymous25 July, 2021

    By the way, Hospy, you've exceeded the posts you made in July four years ago and almost breaking the record of August of that year. After all these years of sparse posts, now you're on fire! Keep it up!


    1. Thanks JCH. At the moment I'm on a roll but not sure how long it will last. The contributions from other commenters do help too. Do send me an email if you want to. I'd love to chat more.

  3. https://youtu.be/-QspI3W2rgc Cpr on boy 34:00

  4. Anonymous27 July, 2021

    A son (boy shot)
