Welcome to Hospital Scenes! This is a collection of clips from Hospital shows or the web. Please let be know in the comments sections if you know any other videos that should be here or that I could use.

27 June 2017

Cowboys and Indians

Cowboys and Indians

2 boys are injured while playing Cowboys and Indians when the play turns a bit too rough.

Watch/Download: Click Here!


  1. This blog reminds me of the defibkids blog.. I don't know if you and the creator of that blog's the same person or not, but thank you so much for sharing hospital scene. I really enjoy them (especially resuscitation scene). Keep up the good work :)

    1. Thanks. It was that blog that gave me the idea to set this up. Sadly defibkids hasn't been updated for a long time so I thought I'd have a try at something similar.

  2. Anonymous29 June, 2017

    Hi, thanks for making this blog. Do you have the video on the link below for your youtube channel?

    1. Thanks for the link. I hadn't seen that one :)

  3. Anonymous19 July, 2017

    Hi Hospital Scenes, thank you for having these clips here, I would not have known this TV show if it wasn't for here. Sadly I don't speak German, so I don't know what's really going on. Do you mind telling me why are the boys injured, and have that similar wrist cut? I'm guessing that the boys smoked because I hear "nicotine" towards the end, is that right? Is there any end to the story? Sorry for so many questions. One more, is this reality or reenactment? The patients and their moms seem too casual (or professional) with cameras on their faces to be a reality - not once do they look at the cameras.


    1. Hi Ned,
      I also have no idea what has actually happened here. Unfortunately there are no subtitles that come with these clips either so I can't even run that through a translator to get a rough English translation of it. Maybe there is someone out there who could help give us an idea of what is actually happening in some of these clips?

      I didn't find any follow up at the end of the programmes which is quite annoying because it is good to know what happened next so sadly its an unknown ending.

      No problem at all with the questions :) Ask what you want to and I will always try to answer you.

      This is taken from a documentary series so it is actually real. I'm guessing they probably just have other things going on in their minds so are ignoring the cameras :)
